アメリカの大手週刊誌、NEWSWEEK INTERNATIONAL(2019.12.20)、日本の不動産特集記事において、プラザホームズ(株)代表取締役、桑田 弘也 が取材対応し、インタビュー内容が掲載されました。
「私たちは常にお客様がスムーズ且つシンプルに日本の生活に適応できるよう最善を尽くしています。 私たちは常に先を考え、細部にまで注意を払い、お客様が過ごすリビングルームやキッチン、ベッドルームが快適な住まいになるよう、最適な物件をお勧めしています。」と、社長の桑田弘也氏は語った。
「日本の大都市圏において英語で不動産仲介サービスを提供する会社はいくつかあります。 しかしながら、プラザホームズが他と大きく異なるのは、外国人に提供する包括的な情報とサービスです。 また、いわいる「生活支援情報」と呼ばれる、来日したばかりの外国人が新しい環境を理解するのに役立つガイドラインがあります。 私たちの本当の競争上の優位性は、お客様を幸せにし、日本へのスムーズな移住をお約束することです。」
But aside from the growing number of tourist arrivals, which has experienced double-digit growth in recent years and is projected to reach 40 million in 2020, Japan is also seeing an increasing number of expat workers landing on its shores – something which also bodes well for the property market and particularly the companies focused on supporting this segment, such as PLAZA HOMES.
PLAZA HOMES specializes in arranging luxury accommodation, from spacious houses to high-rise apartments for expats working for foreign trading companies, finance companies, manufacturing companies, legal offices and embassies – be it short, medium or long term rentals and sales.
Helping expatriate families new to Japan to relocate smoothly and safely. PLAZA HOMES employs bilingual sales associates that assist clients in finding suitable residences as well as provide general consultancy services on living in Tokyo and Yokohama. A lot of real estate property information is listed on the company’s website, but in addition to property information and the real estate guide, it is full of living information such as school information for foreigners, hospitals etc.
“We always make our best effort to ensure clients stay and life is extremely simple while adapting to Japan. We always think ahead, and we allow our customers to have the most comfortable living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms in their apartments, making us extremely detail-oriented about our recommended properties,” says president, Koya Kuwata.
“There are several companies that provide real estate brokerage service in English in metropolitan areas, Nonetheless, what really differentiates PLAZA HOMES from the rest is the comprehensive information and services we provide to foreigners. We also have what we call ‘life-support’, guidelines which help new foreigners to understand their new environment. Our real competitive advantage is that we make customers happy and we ensure a smooth transition to the country.”
- 東京都心の外国人賃貸、高級賃貸
- 外国人向マンション、最新のハイグレード物件、ヴィンテージマンション、一戸建物件。東京都心から郊外まで幅広く対応。
- 東京都心の不動産購入
- マンション、一戸建、外国人向住宅、収益、事業用物件、まで豊富な物件セレクション。英語・中国語でも物件情報を発信。